Residential quarterly sewer rate is now $121
extra $25 for properties with grinder pump systems
The Township has received several questions as to why their sewer rates have increased this year. Back in August of 2018 as assessment of our sewer system was done by the Spicer Group. In that assessment it was determined that several capital improvements would be necessary to maintain the sewer system over the next several years. The current system was installed in the Township back in the 1970's. We have been fortunate that we have not had any major problems with the system over the years. The recommendations of the Spicer Group is to improve the existing sewer system and to do so will require an investment in the system of nearly $10,000,000.00 over the next 20 years. Your Board is very aware of the increases we are paying but in reality the rates have only gone up $40.00 per quarter of the life of the system. It's never easy to raise rates but in the long run we will all benefit.
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Spring Clean Up Day
May 17, 2025
8 am - Noon